KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS

104287 Visitors:
Address: Lower Kuruni, Konistres
Area: Evia
Telephone: 6976707087
Mobile: -
P.C.: 34003
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: 6976707087
KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Kymi - Evia - Attica The company KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS has been operating since 2005 in the field of earthworks. It undertakes private and public works providing services to individuals, municipalities, communities, technical companies and construction contractors in the Kymi, Evia and Attica region. We have all the necessary equipment and are able to undertake any task we are required with responsibility, experience, professionalism and always at the best prices...
104287 Visitors:

Lower Kuruni, Konistres, Evia

104287 Visitors:

Kymi - Evia - Attica

The company KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS has been operating since 2005 in the field of earthworks. It undertakes private and public works providing services to individuals, municipalities, communities, technical companies and construction contractors in the Kymi, Evia and Attica region.

We have all the necessary equipment and are able to undertake any task we are required with responsibility, experience, professionalism and always at the best prices.
Contact us and we will gladly undertake your work.

697 670 7087


KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS Excavations
KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS Earthmoving
KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS Demolitions
KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS Outdoor configurations
KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS Collection and transportation of rubbish
KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS Road - dug excavations
KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS Trench digging and piping
KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS Water supply and drainage projects
KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS Dummies - excavation - cleaning of plots - fields
KARAMOUZIS KONSTANTINOS Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Earthworks - Euboea Excavations - Euboea Landfills - Techniques - EKIVIS Beach - river - snow clearing
104287 Visitors:

Lower Kuruni, Konistres

Telephone: 6976707087

Working Hours
